Wang Haihua
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What is the purpose of a Bayesian dynamic linear model?
To adapt quickly to sudden changes in time series trend.
In this liveProject you are tasked with implementing a Bayesian dynamic linear model using the PyDLM library.
The purpose of this exercise is to build a model that can adapt to significant changes in a time series trend. This allows the model to generate forecasts that are more adaptive to changes than classical time series forecasting techniques.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose
from import plot_acf, plot_pacf
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
idx = pd.IndexSlice
!head -n2 data/h2weekly.csv
Date,IsCanceled 2015-06-21,97
ts = pd.read_csv('data/h2weekly.csv', parse_dates=['Date'], index_col='Date', squeeze=True)
Date 2015-06-21 97 2015-06-28 153 Name: IsCanceled, dtype: int64
Date 2017-08-20 201 2017-08-27 129 Name: IsCanceled, dtype: int64
fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(14, 7))
gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 2)
ax_top = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :])
ax_bot_0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
ax_bot_1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
_ = ts.plot(ax=ax_top, title='Number of cancellations per week')
_ = plot_acf(ts, ax=ax_bot_0, title='ACF', lags=60)
_ = plot_pacf(ts, ax=ax_bot_1, title='PACF')
The Google data science post example as provided by the PyDLM documentation was used as a template in building the below models.
Here are some relevant technical terms describing the parameters in the models below:
_ = plot_acf(ts, lags=60)
↑ In this particular example, it is observed that the strongest positive correlation after the series of negatively correlated lags comes at lag 28. In this regard, 28 is set as the seasonal parameter when generating the simple and dynamic linear models.
from pydlm import dlm, trend, seasonality
linear_trend = trend(degree=1, discount=0.9, name='linear_trend', w=10)
seasonal28 = seasonality(period=28, discount=0.9, name='seasonal28', w=10)
simple_dlm = dlm(ts) + linear_trend + seasonal28
The static components are linear_trend (degree = 2) seasonal28 (degree = 28) There is no dynamic component. There is no automatic component.
Initializing models... Initialization finished. Starting forward filtering... Forward filtering completed. Starting backward smoothing... Backward smoothing completed.
# Plot the fitted results
simple_dlm.turnOff('data points')
/Users/dimitri/opt/miniconda3/envs/ts-forecasting/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydlm/plot/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Passing non-integers as three-element position specification is deprecated since 3.3 and will be removed two minor releases later. plt.subplot(str(size[0]) + str(size[1]) + str(location))
The model is tuned using gradient descent, with the mean squared error as the loss function.
from pydlm import modelTuner
myTuner = modelTuner(method='gradient_descent', loss='mse')
tuned_sDLM = myTuner.tune(simple_dlm, maxit=100)
The algorithm stops without converging. Possible reason: some discount is too close to 1 or 0.7 (0.7 is smallest discount that is permissible. CPU times: user 28.4 s, sys: 352 ms, total: 28.7 s Wall time: 29.1 s
round(np.sqrt(simple_dlm.getMSE()), 4)
round(np.sqrt(tuned_sDLM.getMSE()), 4)
↑ tuned simple DLM has higher MSE. Choose simple_dlm
out of these two.
# Plot the linear and seasonal trends.
simple_dlm.turnOff('predict plot')
simple_dlm.turnOff('filtered plot')
# Plot prediction for the first 100 weeks and a forecast for the following 15 weeks.
simple_dlm.plotPredictN(date=100, N=15)
# Plot prediction for the first 60 weeks and a forecast for the following 55 weeks.
simple_dlm.plotPredictN(date=60, N=55)
The prediction plots above show that while the forecast has shown some success in adapting to the structural shift, i.e. the downward shift in trend in the latter of the series - the confidence bands around the series are still quite wide.
This implies uncertainty in the forecasts being constructed - we cannot be confident that the forecasts being made by the model would be accurate across different sets of data.
test = ts[-15:]
Date 2017-05-21 407 2017-05-28 463 Name: IsCanceled, dtype: int64
Date 2017-08-20 201 2017-08-27 129 Name: IsCanceled, dtype: int64
returns a tuple of two lists:
(Predicted observation, variance of the predicted observation)
forecast = simple_dlm.predictN(date=100, N=15)[0]
round(np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(test, forecast)), 4)
round(np.mean(test), 4)
round(141.4244 / 327.5333 * 100, 0)
from pydlm import autoReg, dynamic
# Construct the base
DLM_2 = dlm(ts)
DLM_2 = DLM_2 + trend(1, name='linear_trend', w=1.0)
DLM_2 = DLM_2 + seasonality(28, name='28wks', w=1.0)
DLM_2 = DLM_2 + autoReg(degree=2, name='autoreg2', w=1.0)
# Introduce dynamic component
features = [[1.0, 2.0] for i in range(115)]
ctrend = dynamic(features=features, name='random', discount=0.9)
DLM_2 = DLM_2 + ctrend
# Show the added components
The static components are linear_trend (degree = 2) 28wks (degree = 28) The dynamic components are random (dimension = 2) The automatic components are autoreg2 (dimension = 2)
Initializing models... Initialization finished. Starting forward filtering... Forward filtering completed. Starting backward smoothing... Backward smoothing completed.
# Plot the fitted results
DLM_2.turnOff('data points')
myTuner = modelTuner(method='gradient_descent', loss='mse')
tuned_DLM2 = myTuner.tune(DLM_2, maxit=100)
The algorithm stops without converging. Possible reason: some discount is too close to 1 or 0.7 (0.7 is smallest discount that is permissible. CPU times: user 37.4 s, sys: 424 ms, total: 37.8 s Wall time: 38.2 s
round(np.sqrt(DLM_2.getMSE()), 4)
round(np.sqrt(tuned_DLM2.getMSE()), 4)
round(np.sqrt(simple_dlm.getMSE()), 4)
round(np.sqrt(tuned_DLM2.getMSE()), 4)
# Plot prediction for the first 100 weeks and a forecast for the following 14 weeks.
tuned_DLM2.plotPredictN(date=100, N=14)
# Plot prediction for the first 60 weeks and a forecast for the following 54 weeks.
tuned_DLM2.plotPredictN(date=60, N=54)
test = ts[-15:-1]
Date 2017-05-21 407 2017-05-28 463 Name: IsCanceled, dtype: int64
Date 2017-08-13 341 2017-08-20 201 Name: IsCanceled, dtype: int64
forecast = tuned_DLM2.predictN(date=100, N=14)[0]
round(np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(test, forecast)), 4)
round(np.mean(test), 4)
round(89.8731 / 341.7143 * 100, 0)
An RMSE (root mean squared error) of 90 is yielded relative to the mean value of 342 across the test set. The size of the RMSE accounts for 26% of the mean value, indicating that the forecast accuracy has improved when introducing the dynamic and autoregressive components.
While a lower RMSE would be preferable, too low an RMSE value would potentially indicate that the model has been "over-trained" on the training set and will do well in forecasting the test set in question, but may well perform poorly when it comes to forecasting subsequent data. Therefore, while RMSE is important, it is not regarded as the "be all and end all", particularly in the context of a Bayesian model where the objective is to build flexibility into the forecasts to account for state changes.
Given that a visual scan of the predictions indicate that the model is capturing the shift in trends across different periods, this is an indication that the model is working well for these purposes.