CELEST Matlab Tutorial


Comments, Variables, Vectors and Matrices

% Comments

% Green text preceded by a percent sign % are comments.  Matlab
% ignores comments -- that is, any text with a percent sign before it will
% result in Matlab doing nothing.  Try it out by copying and pasting the
% following:

% a = 5

% Comments are useful to put in your code so that you remember why are you
% writing a particular line of code.  It also helps other people understand
% your code should they have to use it.

% Often it is more useful and clear to assign a value to a variable name.
% This makes your code more readable and understandable.  For example, what
% is more readable?

% firingRate * 10

% OR

% 5 * 10.

% Here is how you assign a
% value to a variable in Matlab:

firingRate = 5

% You can assign more than one value to a variable.  The following code
% makes a 2 x 1 vector:

b = [3; 4]

% You can verify this is a 2 x 1 vector by the following command:

% size is a built-in matlab function.  It tells you how many elements are
% in a vector of matrix.

% You can also make a 2 x 1 vector.  Notice that omitting the semi-colon
% makes this vector "horizontal":

c = [3 4]


% If you don't want to see the output in the command window each time, you
% can supress the output by ending the statement with a semi-colon:

c = [3 4];

% You can also make a matrix.  Here is a 2x2 matrix:

d = [1 2; 3 4]

d = [1 2; ...
     3 4]


% Typing in each number for a vector or matrix can be a pain in the ass.
% Luckily, you can tell Matlab to assign a consecutive sequence of numbers
% to a variable:

vec = 1:10

% The "step-size" of the consecutive sequence of numbers doesn't have to be
% one.  You can also step by larger or smaller numbers:

vec = 1:.25:10

% Sometimes you just want to access and change a single elmement of a
% vector.  You can access the fourth element of a vector by:


% And you can change the fourth element by:

vec(4) = 33

% Sometimes you don't want to have all the output in the command window.
% You can clear the command window by typing:


% Similarly, you might want to clear variables from your workspace to
% reduce clutter:

clear all

% A helpful way to learn about built-in matlab functions is to type help
% before the function:

help clc
help clear

firingRate =


b =


ans =

     2     1

c =

     3     4

ans =

     1     2

d =

     1     2
     3     4

d =

     1     2
     3     4

ans =

     2     2

vec =

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10

vec =

  Columns 1 through 7

    1.0000    1.2500    1.5000    1.7500    2.0000    2.2500    2.5000

  Columns 8 through 14

    2.7500    3.0000    3.2500    3.5000    3.7500    4.0000    4.2500

  Columns 15 through 21

    4.5000    4.7500    5.0000    5.2500    5.5000    5.7500    6.0000

  Columns 22 through 28

    6.2500    6.5000    6.7500    7.0000    7.2500    7.5000    7.7500

  Columns 29 through 35

    8.0000    8.2500    8.5000    8.7500    9.0000    9.2500    9.5000

  Columns 36 through 37

    9.7500   10.0000

ans =


vec =

  Columns 1 through 7

    1.0000    1.2500    1.5000   33.0000    2.0000    2.2500    2.5000

  Columns 8 through 14

    2.7500    3.0000    3.2500    3.5000    3.7500    4.0000    4.2500

  Columns 15 through 21

    4.5000    4.7500    5.0000    5.2500    5.5000    5.7500    6.0000

  Columns 22 through 28

    6.2500    6.5000    6.7500    7.0000    7.2500    7.5000    7.7500

  Columns 29 through 35

    8.0000    8.2500    8.5000    8.7500    9.0000    9.2500    9.5000

  Columns 36 through 37

    9.7500   10.0000

 CLC    Clear command window.
    CLC clears the command window and homes the cursor.
    See also HOME.

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc clc

 CLEAR  Clear variables and functions from memory.
    CLEAR removes all variables from the workspace.
    CLEAR VARIABLES does the same thing.
    CLEAR GLOBAL removes all global variables.
    CLEAR FUNCTIONS removes all compiled MATLAB and MEX-functions.
    CLEAR ALL removes all variables, globals, functions and MEX links.
    CLEAR ALL at the command prompt also clears the base import list.
    CLEAR IMPORT clears the base import list.  It can only be issued at the 
    command prompt. It cannot be used in a function.
    CLEAR CLASSES is the same as CLEAR ALL except that class definitions
    are also cleared. If any objects exist outside the workspace (say in 
    userdata or persistent in a locked program file) a warning will be
    issued and the class definition will not be cleared. CLEAR CLASSES must
    be used if the number or names of fields in a class are changed.
    CLEAR JAVA is the same as CLEAR ALL except that java classes on the
    dynamic java path (defined using JAVACLASSPATH) are also cleared. 
    CLEAR VAR1 VAR2 ... clears the variables specified. The wildcard
    character '*' can be used to clear variables that match a pattern. For
    instance, CLEAR X* clears all the variables in the current workspace
    that start with X.
    CLEAR -REGEXP PAT1 PAT2 can be used to match all patterns using regular
    expressions. This option only clears variables. For more information on
    using regular expressions, type "doc regexp" at the command prompt.
    If X is global, CLEAR X removes X from the current workspace, but
    leaves it accessible to any functions declaring it global. 
    CLEAR GLOBAL X completely removes the global variable X. 
    CLEAR GLOBAL -REGEXP PAT removes global variables that match regular
    expression patterns.
    Note that to clear specific global variables, the GLOBAL option must
    come first. Otherwise, all global variables will be cleared.
    CLEAR FUN clears the function specified. If FUN has been locked by
    MLOCK it will remain in memory. Use a partial path (see PARTIALPATH) to
    distinguish between different overloaded versions of FUN.  For
    instance, 'clear inline/display' clears only the INLINE method for
    DISPLAY, leaving any other implementations in memory.
    CLEAR ALL, CLEAR FUN, or CLEAR FUNCTIONS also have the side effect of
    removing debugging breakpoints and reinitializing persistent variables
    since the breakpoints for a function and persistent variables are
    cleared whenever the program file changes or is cleared.
    Use the functional form of CLEAR, such as CLEAR('name'), when the
    variable name or function name is stored in a string.
    Examples for pattern matching:
        clear a*                % Clear variables starting with "a"
        clear -regexp ^b\d{3}$  % Clear variables starting with "b" and
                                %    followed by 3 digits
        clear -regexp \d        % Clear variables containing any digits

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc clear

Mathematical Operations

% You can use Matlab as a calculator.  For example, here is how you
% multiply, add, divide, and exponentiate:

3 * 4
3 + 4
3 / 4
3 ^ 4

% You can also use mathematical operations on vectors and matrices.
% Element-wise operations (multipying each element of a vector or matrix
% individually) are performed by using the period . before a mathematical
% operator such as times *:

vector = [2 2]
vector .* 5
matrix = [2 2; 2 2]
matrix .* 3

% If you want to multiply matrices as in linear algebra (which is not element-wise)
% you omit the period before the mathematical operator:

matrix * matrix

[3 1; 9 2; 3 7] * [1; 2]
ans =


ans =


ans =


ans =


vector =

     2     2

ans =

    10    10

matrix =

     2     2
     2     2

ans =

     6     6
     6     6

ans =

     8     8
     8     8

ans =


Logical operations

% Sometimes you want to know whether two variables are equal or if one
% variable is larger than the other.  This is achieved by logical operators.
% In Matlab, 1 stands for True and 0 stands for False.  For example, say you
% want to know if the firing rate from neuron1 is greater than the firing
% rate from neuron2:

% First let's give the neurons' firing rates
neuronFiringRate1 = 4
neuronFiringRate2 = 3

% Now you can test whether the two variables are equal:
neuronFiringRate1 == neuronFiringRate2

% or if neuron1 has a greater firing rate than neuron2?
neuronFiringRate1 > neuronFiringRate2

% These operations also work on vectors and matrices element-wise, so you
% can determine whether a number is greater than each element in a matrix:

% Here is our original matrix


% And here is the result of comparing the matrix to the number 6:

6 > matrix

% Logical operators such as AND and OR are also useful.  For example, say
% that you had had a data set that consisted of animals and whether they
% were fast and big.  Suppose you only wanted the animals that were fast
% and big.  Using logical operators, you can select only the fast and big
% animals:

% Here we define the properties of one animal
isBig = 1; %  isBig = true
isFast = 0; % isFast = false

% Is it both big and fast?  The ampersand & indicates AND
isBig & isFast

% Suppose you only cared if the animal is big or fast, but either one would
% do.  You could then use the OR operator | :

isBig | isFast

% Finally, suppose you wanted animals that were small and slow.  You can
% use the negation operator, the tilde ~:

~isBig | ~isFast

% If you want to find out if they are not equal, then use the tilde and
% equal sign:

isBig ~= isFast
neuronFiringRate1 =


neuronFiringRate2 =


ans =


ans =


matrix =

     2     2
     2     2

ans =

     1     1
     1     1

ans =


ans =


ans =


ans =


Selective Indexing

% You can combine what you've learned with assigning elements to variables
% and logical operators.  One of the more useful things you can learn is to
% use logical operators to access and change elements in vectors and
% matrices. Suppose you have a vector that goes from 1 to 10:

vec = 1:10

% Remember you could access each individual element of vec by typing:


% Suppose that you wanted to only access the elements of vec greater than
% five.  From before, you know that

vec > 5

% is a vector with zeros for each element in vec that is not greater than
% five and ones for each element that is.  Now, if you type:

vec(vec > 5)

% You get only the elements of vec greater than 5.
% This can be useful if you want to set all elements of a vector or matrix
% to a certain value.  For instance, if you wanted the values of vec
% greater than 5 to be zero, then:

vec(vec > 5) = 0

% Some other examples of this are:

vec(vec == 5)
vec(vec ~= 5)

% Some useful functions that we will not cover that also use logical
% operators and are often useful when comparing two vectors or matrices
% are:

help ismember
help intersect
help find
help setdiff
help unique
vec =

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10

ans =


ans =


ans =


ans =

     0     0     0     0     0     1     1     1     1     1

ans =

     6     7     8     9    10

vec =

     1     2     3     4     5     0     0     0     0     0

ans =


ans =

     1     2     3     4     0     0     0     0     0

 ISMEMBER True for set member.
    LIA = ISMEMBER(A,B) for arrays A and B returns an array of the same
    size as A containing true where the elements of A are in B and false 
    LIA = ISMEMBER(A,B,'rows') for matrices A and B with the same number 
    of columns, returns a vector containing true where the rows of A are 
    also rows of B and false otherwise.
    [LIA,LOCB] = ISMEMBER(A,B) also returns an array LOCB containing the
    highest absolute index in B for each element in A which is a member of 
    B and 0 if there is no such index.
    [LIA,LOCB] = ISMEMBER(A,B,'rows') also returns a vector LOCB containing 
    the highest absolute index in B for each row in A which is a member 
    of B and 0 if there is no such index.
    In a future release, the behavior of ISMEMBER will change including:
      -	occurrence of indices in LOCB will switch from highest to lowest
      -	tighter restrictions on combinations of classes
    In order to see what impact those changes will have on your code, use:
       [LIA,LOCB] = ISMEMBER(A,B,'R2012a')
       [LIA,LOCB] = ISMEMBER(A,B,'rows','R2012a')
    If the changes in behavior adversely affect your code, you may preserve
    the current behavior with:
       [LIA,LOCB] = ISMEMBER(A,B,'legacy')
       [LIA,LOCB] = ISMEMBER(A,B,'rows','legacy')
       a = [9 9 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 2 1 1 1]
       b = [1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 9 9 9]
       [lia1,locb1] = ismember(a,b)
       % returns
       lia1 = [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1]
       locb1 = [16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 3 3 3]
       [lia2,locb2] = ismember(a,b,'R2012a')
       % returns
       lia2 = [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1]
       locb2 = [14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 1 1 1]
       [lia,locb] = ismember([1 NaN 2 3],[3 4 NaN 1])
       % NaNs compare as not equal, so this returns
       lia = [1 0 0 1], locb = [4 0 0 1]
    Class support for inputs A and B, where A and B must be of the same
    class unless stated otherwise:
       - logical, char, all numeric classes (may combine with double arrays)
       - cell arrays of strings (may combine with char arrays)
       -- 'rows' option is not supported for cell arrays
       - objects with methods SORT (SORTROWS for the 'rows' option), EQ and NE
       -- including heterogeneous arrays derived from the same root class

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc ismember

 INTERSECT Set intersection.
    C = INTERSECT(A,B) for vectors A and B, returns the values common to 
    the two vectors with no repetitions. C will be sorted.
    C = INTERSECT(A,B,'rows') for matrices A and B with the same 
    number of columns, returns the rows common to the two matrices. The
    rows of the matrix C will be in sorted order.
    [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B) also returns index vectors IA and IB such 
    that C = A(IA) and C = B(IB). If there are repeated common values in
    A or B then the index of the last occurrence of each repeated value is
    [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B,'rows') also returns index vectors IA and IB 
    such that C = A(IA,:) and C = B(IB,:). 
    [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B,'stable') for arrays A and B, returns the
    values of C in the same order that they appear in A.
    [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B,'sorted') returns the values of C in sorted
    If A and B are row vectors, then C will be a row vector as well,
    otherwise C will be a column vector. IA and IB are column vectors.
    If there are repeated common values in A or B then the index of the
    first occurrence of each repeated value is returned.
    [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B,'rows','stable') returns the rows of C in the
    same order that they appear in A.
    [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B,'rows','sorted') returns the rows of C in
    sorted order.
    In a future release, the behavior of the following syntaxes will change
      -	occurrence of indices in IA and IB will switch from last to first
      -	orientation of vector C
      -	IA and IB will always be column index vectors
      -	tighter restrictions on combinations of classes
    In order to see what impact those changes will have on your code, use:
       [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B,'R2012a')
       [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B,'rows','R2012a')
    If the changes in behavior adversely affect your code, you may preserve
    the current behavior with:
       [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B,'legacy')
       [C,IA,IB] = INTERSECT(A,B,'rows','legacy')
       a = [9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 2 1]
       b = [1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 10]
       [c1,ia1,ib1] = intersect(a,b)
       % returns
       c1 = [1 4], ia1 = [21 19], ib1 = [3 13]
       [c2,ia2,ib2] = intersect(a,b,'stable')
       % returns
       c2 = [4 1], ia2 = [19 21]', ib2 = [9 1]'
       c = intersect([1 NaN 2 3],[3 4 NaN 1])
       % NaNs compare as not equal, so this returns
       c = [1 3]
    Class support for inputs A and B, where A and B must be of the same
    class unless stated otherwise:
       - logical, char, all numeric classes (may combine with double arrays)
       - cell arrays of strings (may combine with char arrays)
       -- 'rows' option is not supported for cell arrays
       - objects with methods SORT (SORTROWS for the 'rows' option), EQ and NE
       -- including heterogeneous arrays derived from the same root class

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc intersect

 FIND   Find indices of nonzero elements.
    I = FIND(X) returns the linear indices corresponding to 
    the nonzero entries of the array X.  X may be a logical expression. 
    Use IND2SUB(SIZE(X),I) to calculate multiple subscripts from 
    the linear indices I.
    I = FIND(X,K) returns at most the first K indices corresponding to 
    the nonzero entries of the array X.  K must be a positive integer, 
    but can be of any numeric type.
    I = FIND(X,K,'first') is the same as I = FIND(X,K).
    I = FIND(X,K,'last') returns at most the last K indices corresponding 
    to the nonzero entries of the array X.
    [I,J] = FIND(X,...) returns the row and column indices instead of
    linear indices into X. This syntax is especially useful when working
    with sparse matrices.  If X is an N-dimensional array where N > 2, then
    J is a linear index over the N-1 trailing dimensions of X.
    [I,J,V] = FIND(X,...) also returns a vector V containing the values
    that correspond to the row and column indices I and J.
       A = magic(3)
       find(A > 5)
    finds the linear indices of the 4 entries of the matrix A that are
    greater than 5.
       [rows,cols,vals] = find(speye(5))
    finds the row and column indices and nonzero values of the 5-by-5
    sparse identity matrix.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc find

 SETDIFF Set difference.
    C = SETDIFF(A,B) for vectors A and B, returns the values in A that 
    are not in B with no repetitions. C will be sorted.
    C = SETDIFF(A,B,'rows') for matrices A and B with the same number of
    columns, returns the rows from A that are not in B. The rows of the
    matrix C will be in sorted order.
    [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B) also returns an index vector IA such that
    C = A(IA). If there are repeated values in A that are not in B, then
    the index of the last occurrence of each repeated value is returned.
    [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B,'rows') also returns an index vector IA such that
    C = A(IA,:).
    [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B,'stable') for arrays A and B, returns the values
    of C in the order that they appear in A.
    [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B,'sorted') returns the values of C in sorted order.
    If A is a row vector, then C will be a row vector as well, otherwise C
    will be a column vector. IA is a column vector. If there are repeated
    values in A that are not in B, then the index of the first occurrence of
    each repeated value is returned.
    [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B,'rows','stable') returns the rows of C in the
    same order that they appear in A.
    [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B,'rows','sorted') returns the rows of C in sorted
    In a future release, the behavior of the following syntaxes will change
      -	occurrence of indices in IA will switch from last to first
      -	orientation of vector C
      -	IA will always be a column index vector
      -	tighter restrictions on combinations of classes
    In order to see what impact those changes will have on your code, use:
       [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B,'R2012a')
       [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B,'rows','R2012a')
    If the changes in behavior adversely affect your code, you may preserve
    the current behavior with:
       [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B,'legacy')
       [C,IA] = SETDIFF(A,B,'rows','legacy')
       a = [9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 2 1]
       b = [1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 10]
       [c1,ia1] = setdiff(a,b)
       % returns
       c1 = [2 5 6 7 8 9]
       ia1 = [20 18 16 13 10 6]
       [c2,ia2] = setdiff(a,b,'stable')
       % returns
       c2 = [9 8 7 6 5 2]
       ia2 = [1 7 11 14 17 20]'
       c = setdiff([1 NaN 2 3],[3 4 NaN 1])
       % NaNs compare as not equal, so this returns
       c = [2 NaN]
    Class support for inputs A and B, where A and B must be of the same
    class unless stated otherwise:
       - logical, char, all numeric classes (may combine with double arrays)
       - cell arrays of strings (may combine with char arrays)
       -- 'rows' option is not supported for cell arrays
       - objects with methods SORT (SORTROWS for the 'rows' option), EQ and NE
       -- including heterogeneous arrays derived from the same root class

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc setdiff

 UNIQUE Set unique.
    C = UNIQUE(A) for the array A returns the same values as in A but with 
    no repetitions. C will be sorted.    
    C = UNIQUE(A,'rows') for the matrix A returns the unique rows of A.
    The rows of the matrix C will be in sorted order.
    [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A) also returns index vectors IA and IC such that
    C = A(IA) and A = C(IC).  
    [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'rows') also returns index vectors IA and IC such
    that C = A(IA,:) and A = C(IC,:). 
    [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'rows',OCCURRENCE) specify which index is returned
    in IA in the case of repeated values (or rows) in A. The default value
    is OCCURENCE='last', which returns the index of the last occurrence of
    each repeated value (or row) in A, while OCCURRENCE='first' returns the
    index of the first occurrence of each repeated value (or row) in A.
    [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'stable') returns the values of C in the same order
    that they appear in A, while [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'sorted') returns the
    values of C in sorted order. If A is a row vector, then C will be a row
    vector as well, otherwise C will be a column vector. IA and IC are
    column vectors. If there are repeated values in A, then IA returns the
    index of the first occurrence of each repeated value.
    [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'rows','stable') returns the rows of C in the same
    order that they appear in A, while [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'rows','sorted')
    returns the rows of C in sorted order.
    In a future release, the behavior of the following syntaxes will change
      -	Default occurrence of indices will switch from last to first
      -	IA and IC will always be column index vectors
    In order to see what impact those changes will have on your code, use:
         [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'R2012a')
         [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'rows','R2012a')
         [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,OCCURRENCE,'R2012a')
         [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'rows',OCCURRENCE,'R2012a')
    If the changes in behavior adversely affect your code, you may preserve
    the current behavior with:
         [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'legacy')
         [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'rows','legacy') 
         [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,OCCURRENCE,'legacy')
         [C,IA,IC] = UNIQUE(A,'rows',OCCURRENCE,'legacy')
        a = [9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 2 1]
        [c1,ia1,ic1] = unique(a)
        % returns
        c1 = [1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9]
        ia1 = [21 20 19 18 16 13 10 6]
        ic1 = [8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1]
        [c2,ia2,ic2] = unique(a,'stable')
        % returns
        c2 = [9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1]
        ia2 = [1 7 11 14 17 19 20 21]'
        ic2 = [1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8]'
        c = unique([1 NaN NaN 2])
        % NaNs compare as not equal, so this returns
        c = [1 2 NaN NaN]
    Class support for input A:
       - logical, char, all numeric classes
       - cell arrays of strings
       -- 'rows' option is not supported for cell arrays
       - objects with methods SORT (SORTROWS for the 'rows' option) and NE
       -- including heterogeneous arrays

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc unique

Control Loops - For and If

% For loops are useful if you need to repeat a section of code several
% times.  A simple example would be:

for ind = 1:20

    ex(ind) = ind


% Notice that this is the same as

ex = 1:20;

% Often in Matlab, for loops can be avoided and their vector
% representations (like above) will be faster and easier to use.  When
% possible, you should always try to use the vector representation.
% However, you shouldn't waste a whole lot of time trying to figure out the
% vector representation if a quick and easy for loop will do.

% If statements are also useful in Matlab.  There are occasions when you
% will want to execute a section of code only if a certain condition is
% fulfilled.

% isBig is true
isBig = 1;

% What does the if statement display?
if isBig
   display('I will crush you')
    display('Please do not hurt me');

% isBig is false
isBig = 0;

% Now what does the if statement display?
if isBig
   display('I will crush you')
    display('Please do not hurt me');
ex =


ex =

     1     2

ex =

     1     2     3

ex =

     1     2     3     4

ex =

     1     2     3     4     5

ex =

     1     2     3     4     5     6

ex =

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7

ex =

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8

ex =

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9

ex =

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10

ex =

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11

ex =

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12

ex =

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13

ex =

  Columns 1 through 13

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13

  Column 14


ex =

  Columns 1 through 13

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13

  Columns 14 through 15

    14    15

ex =

  Columns 1 through 13

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13

  Columns 14 through 16

    14    15    16

ex =

  Columns 1 through 13

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13

  Columns 14 through 17

    14    15    16    17

ex =

  Columns 1 through 13

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13

  Columns 14 through 18

    14    15    16    17    18

ex =

  Columns 1 through 13

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13

  Columns 14 through 19

    14    15    16    17    18    19

ex =

  Columns 1 through 13

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13

  Columns 14 through 20

    14    15    16    17    18    19    20

I will crush you
Please do not hurt me


% Matlab has the ability to allow you to visualize your data.  The most
% common way of visualizing your data is by using the plot command.  For
% example if you wanted a straight line going from (0,0) to (10,10) in x-y
% coordinates you would type

figure; % opens a blank new figure window
x = 1:10; % x-values for the plot
y = 1:10; % y-values for the plot

plot(x, y) % Plots the x-y values

% If you want to add another line to your plot in the same color, you type
hold on
plot(x, sin(x))

% Normally if you type plot twice, the second plot will erase the first.
% Hold keeps you on the same plot. If you want to keep plotting on the same
% plot but in different colors, you would type:
hold all;

% You can also change the color of your plots by adding an additional
% argument:

% For instance, if you want a black line you would add 'k' to the plot
% inputs like so
plot(x, sin(x), 'k');
% If you want a red line, you would add 'r'
plot(x, cos(x), 'r');

% There are several other ways to plot data in Matlab.  Here are a few that
% come up frequently:

help bar
help hist
help stem
help surfc
 BAR Bar graph.
    BAR(X,Y) draws the columns of the M-by-N matrix Y as M groups of N
    vertical bars.  The vector X must not have duplicate values.
    BAR(Y) uses the default value of X=1:M.  For vector inputs, BAR(X,Y)
    or BAR(Y) draws LENGTH(Y) bars.  The colors are set by the colormap.
    BAR(X,Y,WIDTH) or BAR(Y,WIDTH) specifies the width of the bars. Values
    of WIDTH > 1, produce overlapped bars.  The default value is WIDTH=0.8
    BAR(...,'grouped') produces the default vertical grouped bar chart.
    BAR(...,'stacked') produces a vertical stacked bar chart.
    BAR(...,LINESPEC) uses the line color specified (one of 'rgbymckw').
    BAR(AX,...) plots into AX instead of GCA.
    H = BAR(...) returns a vector of handles to barseries objects.
    Use SHADING FACETED to put edges on the bars.  Use SHADING FLAT to
    turn them off.
    Examples: subplot(3,1,1), bar(rand(10,5),'stacked'), colormap(cool)
              subplot(3,1,2), bar(0:.25:1,rand(5),1)
              subplot(3,1,3), bar(rand(2,3),.75,'grouped')
    See also HIST, PLOT, BARH, BAR3, BAR3H.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc bar

 HIST  Histogram.
    N = HIST(Y) bins the elements of Y into 10 equally spaced containers
    and returns the number of elements in each container.  If Y is a
    matrix, HIST works down the columns.
    N = HIST(Y,M), where M is a scalar, uses M bins.
    N = HIST(Y,X), where X is a vector, returns the distribution of Y
    among bins with centers specified by X. The first bin includes
    data between -inf and the first center and the last bin
    includes data between the last bin and inf. Note: Use HISTC if
    it is more natural to specify bin edges instead. 
    [N,X] = HIST(...) also returns the position of the bin centers in X.
    HIST(...) without output arguments produces a histogram bar plot of
    the results. The bar edges on the first and last bins may extend to
    cover the min and max of the data unless a matrix of data is supplied.
    HIST(AX,...) plots into AX instead of GCA.
    Class support for inputs Y, X: 
       float: double, single
    See also HISTC, MODE.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc hist

 STEM   Discrete sequence or "stem" plot.
    STEM(Y) plots the data sequence Y as stems from the x axis
    terminated with circles for the data value. If Y is a matrix then
    each column is plotted as a separate series.
    STEM(X,Y) plots the data sequence Y at the values specified
    in X.
    STEM(...,'filled') produces a stem plot with filled markers.
    STEM(...,'LINESPEC') uses the linetype specified for the stems and
    markers.  See PLOT for possibilities.
    STEM(AX,...) plots into axes with handle AX. Use GCA to get the
    handle to the current axes or to create one if none exist.
    H = STEM(...) returns a vector of stemseries handles in H, one handle
    per column of data in Y.
    See also PLOT, BAR, STAIRS.

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc stem

 SURFC  Combination surf/contour plot.
    SURFC(...) is the same as SURF(...) except that a contour plot
    is drawn beneath the surface.
    See also SURF, SHADING.

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc surfc

Functions vs Scripts

% Scripts and functions are not the same.  Functions are given inputs and
% they produce outputs.  Scripts, on the other hand, have no inputs and
% outputs.  This m-file CELEST_matlab.m is a script because it contains a
% bunch of commands, but you cannot give the script inputs.  For example,
% you can run this whole file by typing its name:

% CELEST_matlab

% This will execute every line of code in this document.  You cannot give
% this script specific inputs like:

input1 = 5;
input2 = 10;

% CELEST_matlab(input1, input2);

% This will not do anything.  However, functions do have this property.  I
% have written an example function called myFirstFunction.  You can give it
% two inputs.  The function will simply multiply those two inputs and
% return a single output:

output = myFirstFunction(input1, input2)

% Some functions can have more than one output.  Many built-in Matlab
% functions have this feature.  You can assign variables to the outputs for
% a function by using the form [first_output, second_output] == myFunction(input).
% For example, with the Matlab function size, it returns both the number of
% rows and the number of columns

[row, col] = size(matrix);

% Compare

% to

output =


ans =

     2     2

row =


col =


Saving and Loading Data

% To save all the variables in your workspace, simply type the name that
% you want to use followed by .mat:

% To selectively save variables in your workspace, you follow the same
% format as above, except you also type the name of the variable you want
% to save in quotes:

save('myFile.mat', 'output');

% Loading a file works in the same way:
clear all; clc; close all;


Loading Audio Files

% Use wavread to load in the waveform "fox" and the sampling frequency "fs"
[fox, fs] = wavread('quickBrownFox.wav');

% Play the sound
sound(fox, fs);

% Plot the sound

% Alter the playback speed of the sound by changing its sampling frequency
sound(fox, 50000);

Loading Image Files

% Load in an animated GIF using imread
mj = imread('gotMJ.gif');

% Show only one frame
imshow(mj(:, :, :, 1));

% Play the animated GIF as a movie

Other Useful Built-in Matlab Functions and Miscellany

help max
help min
help repmat
help ones
help zeros
help nan
help mean
help sort
help errorbar
help nanmean
help ode45
 MAX    Largest component.
    For vectors, MAX(X) is the largest element in X. For matrices,
    MAX(X) is a row vector containing the maximum element from each
    column. For N-D arrays, MAX(X) operates along the first
    non-singleton dimension.
    [Y,I] = MAX(X) returns the indices of the maximum values in vector I.
    If the values along the first non-singleton dimension contain more
    than one maximal element, the index of the first one is returned.
    MAX(X,Y) returns an array the same size as X and Y with the
    largest elements taken from X or Y. Either one can be a scalar.
    [Y,I] = MAX(X,[],DIM) operates along the dimension DIM. 
    When X is complex, the maximum is computed using the magnitude
    MAX(ABS(X)). In the case of equal magnitude elements, then the phase
    angle MAX(ANGLE(X)) is used.
    NaN's are ignored when computing the maximum. When all elements in X
    are NaN's, then the first one is returned as the maximum.
    Example: If X = [2 8 4   then max(X,[],1) is [7 8 9],
                     7 3 9]
        max(X,[],2) is [8    and max(X,5) is [5 8 5
                        9],                   7 5 9].
    See also MIN, MEDIAN, MEAN, SORT.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc max

 MIN    Smallest component.
    For vectors, MIN(X) is the smallest element in X. For matrices,
    MIN(X) is a row vector containing the minimum element from each
    column. For N-D arrays, MIN(X) operates along the first
    non-singleton dimension.
    [Y,I] = MIN(X) returns the indices of the minimum values in vector I.
    If the values along the first non-singleton dimension contain more
    than one minimal element, the index of the first one is returned.
    MIN(X,Y) returns an array the same size as X and Y with the
    smallest elements taken from X or Y. Either one can be a scalar.
    [Y,I] = MIN(X,[],DIM) operates along the dimension DIM.
    When X is complex, the minimum is computed using the magnitude
    MIN(ABS(X)). In the case of equal magnitude elements, then the phase
    angle MIN(ANGLE(X)) is used.
    NaN's are ignored when computing the minimum. When all elements in X
    are NaN's, then the first one is returned as the minimum.
    Example: If X = [2 8 4   then min(X,[],1) is [2 3 4],
                     7 3 9]
        min(X,[],2) is [2    and min(X,5) is [2 5 4
                        3],                   5 3 5].
    See also MAX, MEDIAN, MEAN, SORT.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc min

 REPMAT Replicate and tile an array.
    B = repmat(A,M,N) creates a large matrix B consisting of an M-by-N
    tiling of copies of A. The size of B is [size(A,1)*M, size(A,2)*N].
    The statement repmat(A,N) creates an N-by-N tiling.
    B = REPMAT(A,[M N]) accomplishes the same result as repmat(A,M,N).
    B = REPMAT(A,[M N P ...]) tiles the array A to produce a 
    multidimensional array B composed of copies of A. The size of B is 
    [size(A,1)*M, size(A,2)*N, size(A,3)*P, ...].
    REPMAT(A,M,N) when A is a scalar is commonly used to produce an M-by-N
    matrix filled with A's value and having A's CLASS. For certain values,
    you may achieve the same results using other functions. Namely,
       REPMAT(NAN,M,N)           is the same as   NAN(M,N)
       REPMAT(SINGLE(INF),M,N)   is the same as   INF(M,N,'single')
       REPMAT(INT8(0),M,N)       is the same as   ZEROS(M,N,'int8')
       REPMAT(UINT32(1),M,N)     is the same as   ONES(M,N,'uint32')
       REPMAT(EPS,M,N)           is the same as   EPS(ONES(M,N))
        repmat(magic(2), 2, 3)
        repmat(uint8(5), 2, 3)
    Class support for input A:
       float: double, single

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc repmat

 ONES   Ones array.
    ONES(N) is an N-by-N matrix of ones.
    ONES(M,N) or ONES([M,N]) is an M-by-N matrix of ones.
    ONES(M,N,P,...) or ONES([M N P ...]) is an M-by-N-by-P-by-... array of
    ONES(SIZE(A)) is the same size as A and all ones.
    ONES with no arguments is the scalar 1.
    ONES(..., CLASSNAME) is an array of ones of class specified by CLASSNAME.
    Note: The size inputs M, N, and P... should be nonnegative integers. 
    Negative integers are treated as 0.
       x = ones(2,3,'int8');
    See also EYE, ZEROS.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc ones

 ZEROS  Zeros array.
    ZEROS(N) is an N-by-N matrix of zeros.
    ZEROS(M,N) or ZEROS([M,N]) is an M-by-N matrix of zeros.
    ZEROS(M,N,P,...) or ZEROS([M N P ...]) is an M-by-N-by-P-by-... array of
    ZEROS(SIZE(A)) is the same size as A and all zeros.
    ZEROS with no arguments is the scalar 0.
    ZEROS(..., CLASSNAME) is an array of zeros of class specified by CLASSNAME.
    Note: The size inputs M, N, and P... should be nonnegative integers. 
    Negative integers are treated as 0.
       x = zeros(2,3,'int8');
    See also EYE, ONES.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc zeros

 NaN    Not-a-Number.
    NaN is the IEEE arithmetic representation for Not-a-Number.
    A NaN is obtained as a result of mathematically undefined
    operations like 0.0/0.0  and inf-inf.
    NaN('double') is the same as NaN with no inputs.
    NaN('single') is the single precision representation of NaN.
    NaN(N) is an N-by-N matrix of NaNs.
    NaN(M,N) or NaN([M,N]) is an M-by-N matrix of NaNs.
    NaN(M,N,P,...) or NaN([M,N,P,...]) is an M-by-N-by-P-by-... array of NaNs.
    NaN(...,CLASSNAME) is an array of NaNs of class specified by CLASSNAME.
    CLASSNAME must be either 'single' or 'double'.
    Note: The size inputs M, N, and P... should be nonnegative integers. 
    Negative integers are treated as 0.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc nan

 MEAN   Average or mean value.
    For vectors, MEAN(X) is the mean value of the elements in X. For
    matrices, MEAN(X) is a row vector containing the mean value of
    each column.  For N-D arrays, MEAN(X) is the mean value of the
    elements along the first non-singleton dimension of X.
    MEAN(X,DIM) takes the mean along the dimension DIM of X. 
    Example: If X = [1 2 3; 3 3 6; 4 6 8; 4 7 7];
    then mean(X,1) is [3.0000 4.5000 6.0000] and 
    mean(X,2) is [2.0000 4.0000 6.0000 6.0000].'
    Class support for input X:
       float: double, single

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc mean

 SORT   Sort in ascending or descending order.
    For vectors, SORT(X) sorts the elements of X in ascending order.
    For matrices, SORT(X) sorts each column of X in ascending order.
    For N-D arrays, SORT(X) sorts the along the first non-singleton
    dimension of X. When X is a cell array of strings, SORT(X) sorts
    the strings in ASCII dictionary order.
    has two optional parameters.  
    DIM selects a dimension along which to sort.
    MODE selects the direction of the sort
       'ascend' results in ascending order
       'descend' results in descending order
    The result is in Y which has the same shape and type as X.
    [Y,I] = SORT(X,DIM,MODE) also returns an index matrix I.
    If X is a vector, then Y = X(I).  
    If X is an m-by-n matrix and DIM=1, then
        for j = 1:n, Y(:,j) = X(I(:,j),j); end
    When X is complex, the elements are sorted by ABS(X).  Complex
    matches are further sorted by ANGLE(X).
    When more than one element has the same value, the order of the
    elements are preserved in the sorted result and the indexes of
    equal elements will be ascending in any index matrix.
    Example: If X = [3 7 5
                     0 4 2]
    then sort(X,1) is [0 4 2  and sort(X,2) is [3 5 7
                       3 7 5]                   0 2 4];

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc sort

 ERRORBAR Error bar plot.
    ERRORBAR(X,Y,L,U) plots the graph of vector X vs. vector Y with
    error bars specified by the vectors L and U.  L and U contain the
    lower and upper error ranges for each point in Y.  Each error bar
    is L(i) + U(i) long and is drawn a distance of U(i) above and L(i)
    below the points in (X,Y).  The vectors X,Y,L and U must all be
    the same length.  If X,Y,L and U are matrices then each column
    produces a separate line.
    ERRORBAR(X,Y,E) or ERRORBAR(Y,E) plots Y with error bars [Y-E Y+E].
    ERRORBAR(...,'LineSpec') uses the color and linestyle specified by
    the string 'LineSpec'.  The color is applied to the data line and
    error bars while the linestyle and marker are applied to the data
    line only.  See PLOT for possibilities.
    ERRORBAR(AX,...) plots into AX instead of GCA.
    H = ERRORBAR(...) returns a vector of errorbarseries handles in H.
    For example,
       x = 1:10;
       y = sin(x);
       e = std(y)*ones(size(x));
    draws symmetric error bars of unit standard deviation.

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc errorbar

 NANMEAN Mean value, ignoring NaNs.
    M = NANMEAN(X) returns the sample mean of X, treating NaNs as missing
    values.  For vector input, M is the mean value of the non-NaN elements
    in X.  For matrix input, M is a row vector containing the mean value of
    non-NaN elements in each column.  For N-D arrays, NANMEAN operates
    along the first non-singleton dimension.
    NANMEAN(X,DIM) takes the mean along dimension DIM of X.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc stats/nanmean

 ODE45  Solve non-stiff differential equations, medium order method.
    [TOUT,YOUT] = ODE45(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0) with TSPAN = [T0 TFINAL] integrates 
    the system of differential equations y' = f(t,y) from time T0 to TFINAL 
    with initial conditions Y0. ODEFUN is a function handle. For a scalar T
    and a vector Y, ODEFUN(T,Y) must return a column vector corresponding 
    to f(t,y). Each row in the solution array YOUT corresponds to a time 
    returned in the column vector TOUT.  To obtain solutions at specific 
    times T0,T1,...,TFINAL (all increasing or all decreasing), use TSPAN = 
    [T0 T1 ... TFINAL].     
    [TOUT,YOUT] = ODE45(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,OPTIONS) solves as above with default
    integration properties replaced by values in OPTIONS, an argument created
    with the ODESET function. See ODESET for details. Commonly used options 
    are scalar relative error tolerance 'RelTol' (1e-3 by default) and vector
    of absolute error tolerances 'AbsTol' (all components 1e-6 by default).
    If certain components of the solution must be non-negative, use
    ODESET to set the 'NonNegative' property to the indices of these
    ODE45 can solve problems M(t,y)*y' = f(t,y) with mass matrix M that is
    nonsingular. Use ODESET to set the 'Mass' property to a function handle 
    MASS if MASS(T,Y) returns the value of the mass matrix. If the mass matrix 
    is constant, the matrix can be used as the value of the 'Mass' option. If
    the mass matrix does not depend on the state variable Y and the function
    MASS is to be called with one input argument T, set 'MStateDependence' to
    'none'. ODE15S and ODE23T can solve problems with singular mass matrices.  
    [TOUT,YOUT,TE,YE,IE] = ODE45(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,OPTIONS) with the 'Events'
    property in OPTIONS set to a function handle EVENTS, solves as above 
    while also finding where functions of (T,Y), called event functions, 
    are zero. For each function you specify whether the integration is 
    to terminate at a zero and whether the direction of the zero crossing 
    matters. These are the three column vectors returned by EVENTS: 
    [VALUE,ISTERMINAL,DIRECTION] = EVENTS(T,Y). For the I-th event function: 
    VALUE(I) is the value of the function, ISTERMINAL(I)=1 if the integration 
    is to terminate at a zero of this event function and 0 otherwise. 
    DIRECTION(I)=0 if all zeros are to be computed (the default), +1 if only 
    zeros where the event function is increasing, and -1 if only zeros where 
    the event function is decreasing. Output TE is a column vector of times 
    at which events occur. Rows of YE are the corresponding solutions, and 
    indices in vector IE specify which event occurred.    
    SOL = ODE45(ODEFUN,[T0 TFINAL],Y0...) returns a structure that can be
    used with DEVAL to evaluate the solution or its first derivative at 
    any point between T0 and TFINAL. The steps chosen by ODE45 are returned 
    in a row vector SOL.x.  For each I, the column SOL.y(:,I) contains 
    the solution at SOL.x(I). If events were detected, SOL.xe is a row vector 
    of points at which events occurred. Columns of SOL.ye are the corresponding 
    solutions, and indices in vector SOL.ie specify which event occurred. 
          [t,y]=ode45(@vdp1,[0 20],[2 0]);   
      solves the system y' = vdp1(t,y), using the default relative error
      tolerance 1e-3 and the default absolute tolerance of 1e-6 for each
      component, and plots the first component of the solution. 
    Class support for inputs TSPAN, Y0, and the result of ODEFUN(T,Y):
      float: double, single
    See also ODE23, ODE113, ODE15S, ODE23S, ODE23T, ODE23TB, ODE15I,

For more information

% http://cns.bu.edu/~cnso/matlabtutorials.html
% http://math.bu.edu/people/mak/MA665/1_MATLAB_Tutorial.m
% Matlab for Neuroscientists